Remember this Faith journey I’ve been on? The one I’ve been on the last year or so? I talked about it in Claiming Faith As My Own and then again last week when I shared When You Think of Churchy, You Think of Me, Right? Well if you read the latter, you know I signed up to lead my son’s confirmation small group. Every Wednesday. With six boys in seventh grade. I know, I know…what was I thinking? I’m scared, feel completely unqualified and am certain I’m not the one parents want forming Jesus thoughts in their kids’ heads.
All week, I’ve been thinking, what is the most churchy outfit I have? I thought about a conservative sheath, or dress pants and a cardigan. What is most church lady like? And then…I remembered God loves me as I am. The parents may not, but then I’m not teaching their word, right? I’m teaching God’s. So whatever, I’m showing up all authentic and true to myself. And that meant I’d be leading confirmation in skinny jeans, a Blondie tee and my camouflage jacket. Yep. Take me or leave me parents. I’m all you’ve got!
Today was the first meeting. And still, I ask myself, what was I thinking? And now I’m also asking, how will I make it? Will I start drinking a glass of wine every Wednesday evening? Will I have any hair left by the end of May? The boys are HIGH ENERGY! But they are entertaining. They are super DUPER chit chatty, but they are funny. Four already know each other, this could be a challenge. One is really shy. And the other is the class clown: the loudest, the least likely to sit still, the one who loves to make others laugh by making weird noises to hear them echo in the sanctuary. Oh and he’s the most likely to fray ALL the nerves. Yep, that one is my son.
I’m hopeful and hold faith this will be a good year, even though challenging. I’m certain these boys will make me laugh (and perhaps make me cry for mercy). I’m certain they will teach me new things and ask me questions I can’t answer. And yet, I believe, I was meant to be here. Meant to be a part of this.
There were a couple notable things about this evening that were precious, funny and poignant. I thought I’d share, because why keep this delightful knowledge to myself? You should come along this journey as well!
After introductions and some discussion about why we were there, I asked them to help me make up a covenant for our time together this year. I asked if they knew what a covenant was. They all shook their heads no. So I explained more.
“It’s kind of like an agreement. We need to come up with some rules or guidelines that will help keep us focused and respectful while we meet every week -”
“Oh, oh oh…so it’s like a treaty!”
“Yes, it’s kind of like a treaty. So what do you guys think? What should be some of the rules or guidelines for us to follow?”
“Do not interrupt when a -”
“Yeah! Yeah,” said another kid, “no interrupting!”
“But you just interrupted me!”
And they all collapsed in laughter. And more laughter. And more laughter…apparently, they are easily amused.
“Okay, guys. Dudes… Bruhs!!! Hey! Listen up! What’s another one?”
“Good touches only! Noooo bad touches.” And they all broke into laughter again. Yes. A kid actually said that. And no, we didn’t actually write that one down. The kid was trying to be funny. And no. It wasn’t my son. For once.
Later, it was time to discuss Faith. I shared what it meant to me and then asked the boys to share their own thoughts. Of course, I received several ‘what he said’ replies. But there were two responses that I adored. One kid said, “I’m not really sure I know the answer to that yet,” as he picks up his bible, “I haven’t read this whole thing yet. I mean I’ve started to…buuut I’ve got a long ways to go!”
And then the other, “Faith is like…building LEGOS without instructions. In the dark.”
See what I’m saying? This is bound to be a year of equal parts frustration and hilarity.
After closing prayer, I pulled the parents aside, looked them straight in the eye and said, “Please. Pray for me. Often. Like daily. Because this group is gonna be something. Bless me.” They laughed, smiled, said they would. And as they turned around to leave, I felt like they were all probably whispering ‘SUCKERRRR‘ under their breath as they walked out that door.
One thing is for sure, this alone better get me into Heaven, no?
Legos without instructions. In the dark.
Love it. Thoughtful too!
Well done:)
These are such treasures that nothing can replace! You are and will be blessed!