Sometimes, when we least expect it, when we’re not looking for it, we are surprised by something. Often, however…we are so busy with our routines that we miss these little things that matter. It could be a moment, it could be a smile, it could be a small does of inspiration.
The other day, I was surprised in a moment, by a dose of inspiration. And it happened when I least expected it. I was spending some time getting things ready for the entertaining I am doing next weekend. I was unpacking a bag from one of my favorite stores and unwrapping a candle I purchased. As I was removing the package, something caught my eye. I looked closer and noticed the box the candle was in had beautiful writing on it. There was a quote on the outside of it.
Live in rooms full of light.
– Cornelius Celsus
Beautiful, isn’t it? The literal meaning is not lost on me. This was of course on the packaging of a candle, after all. But the inferred meaning was so much more profound. It meant to fill my life with moments that provide contentment and peace. It meant to be in moments that surround me with love and hope. And it meant to create moments that will wrap myself and others with happiness.
What a wonderful gift I received that day. This simple quote caused me to reflect on how I choose to live my life. And it could’ve been so easy to miss. What a great reminder to slow down and really take in all that surrounds us.
When is the last time you’ve done that? Slowed down. Opened your eyes and mind to all that surrounds us. If it wasn’t today. Pause right now, and make it happen. Pause. Listen. Feel. Close your eyes. Breathe in. Breathe out. And open your eyes. Take in all that surrounds you.
Are you living in rooms full of light?
I did that when I sat and watched Noah the other Day! he’s a candle all on his own.