I’m working on some posts my friends…they’re taking longer than expected. Sometimes this writing thing is harder than it looks. Oh…who am I kidding…it is ALWAYS harder than it looks!
Did you know that most of these posts you’ve read take me at least three hours to write? And you probably read it in what…one or two minutes, maybe three to four for the longer posts?
Anyhoo…I didn’t want you to think we’d fallen off the face of the Earth, or worse yet, were in the midst of major trauma. Because if you’ve read this blog before, you know we’ve had some dark moments lately, some filled with trauma. But just like a disco ball, the flip side of the dark and unlit side is a shiny, sparkly side! And that’s what side we are on right now. HALLELUJAH!
Why should I hold all that goodness, all that light, all that happiness to myself, when I can share it? So in the meantime, while I’m busy writing and trying to make sense of this circus-like mind of mine (it’s true, I’ve got all kinds of three ring acts in there), I thought I’d share the happy. Spread the love. Because sometimes, it’s all we need. See? Here’s proof!
Doesn’t this just make you happy??? What’s even better about this? He decided to do this on his own! I didn’t suggest the pose. He. Just. Did. It. He’s brilliant. He doesn’t realize this picture makes me want to give him whatever he wants! Yet.
So there you have it. Happiness abounds this week in our household. And we’re holding on to every bit of it we can. We even started our own Happiness Jars! Each day, we write down something that made us happy and then drop it in the jar. Kind of like a mini gratitude journal, but on little itty, bitty slips of paper placed in a jar. On our tough and dark days, we can open the jar, pull out a happy thought and be reminded of all that is good and joyful in our lives! If you’d like to learn more about the Happiness Jar, visit the lovely Elizabeth Gilbert. We have her to thank for this idea.
Right now, our jars are close to empty, because we just started them. But imagine after a year what they’ll look like! Overflowing with happy! I can’t wait to look in our jars at the end of the year and revisit all of the amazing moments we may have forgotten about.
So go ahead, what are you waiting for, start your own Happiness Jar!
Share the happy and spread the love people!
P.S. Doesn’t this make YOU happy? Look at Noah’s jar, he decorated it himself. And look at how he spelled ‘Happiness’ and ended with an exclamation point! This fills my heart with love…
Love the idea as we all need to remember the gifts we have been given.
Thank you for that and could I bottle up the family in my jar?
Love grandma