“You should run,” they said. “It will be fun,” they said. “You will like it,” they said.
And so I ran.
And I ran.
And then I got hurt. I don’t even have a good story to tell about it. It’s not like I was jumping hurdles or trying to outrun a bear. I was just running. No trip, no fall, no twisted ankle. I’ve been slowly building my distance and endurance, training for my first 5K, when it happened. Last week, about a mile and a half into my run, I started feeling pain on the outside of my ankle. The pain shot up the side of my leg. So I slowed to a walk. It still hurt, but not as bad. So I picked up the pace and started running again. It still hurt.
I did the walk/jog dance home. As the day wore on, the pain only got worse. I headed to urgent care to have them take a look. X-rays complete, the doctor says, “Well it’s not broken. In fact you seem to have really strong ankles. But it seems your bursa it what’s giving you trouble. A little bursitis has flared up. I think you’re just training to aggressively”.
Wait. WHAT? Me…training to aggressively. This is h-i-l-a-r-i-o-us. I should’ve said the following to the doctor, “Excuse me, did you say I’m training too aggressively? Would you mind promptly saying that again into the voice recorder on my phone? No one…seriously, NO ONE, will believe me when I tell them that.” But instead, I just sat up a little straighter and owned that comment, like I earned it. Like I’m totally a veteran runner. Ha…I’ve got him fooled! He sent me on my way with directions of rest, elevate, ice, ibuprofen, repeat.
I spent the week really trying to follow doctors orders. Especially since I had my FIRST 5K coming up. Last Friday, I attended that 5K, the Electric Run. I couldn’t run it, my ankle was still really bothering me. But I was determined to walk it. Perhaps not a great idea, but as the doctor said, I’m training too aggressively…so I can’t quit, right? On a side note, if the Electric Run comes to your city, DO IT. It was so fun! Glow sticks, music, glow paint, giant inflatable ice cream cones and gummy bears, and booze at the end. I mean seriously! It was the best ever.
The next day, my ankle was still hurting a lot, and since I was headed out on vacation soon, I thought I better go in again. A different doctor this time, but he too seemed to think I must be an aggressive, veteran runner.
“So, how did you do this,” he asked.
“Ohhhh…what do you run? 15 – 20 miles?”
Oh the hilarity of it all. Who in their right mind runs 15 miles? At once? Because they want to? And how am I possibly fooling these doctors into thinking I’m almost a professional runner? Okay, I know, I’m flattering myself waaaaay to much. In all likelihood, they’re probably thinking the only possible way for someone to hurt themselves while running (without a trip, fall or twisted ankle) is if they’re running REALLY long distances. Who hurts themselves a mile or so in?
Me. Yep, me.
“Ummm. No,” I answered. “More like training for a 5k. I was just running. And all of the sudden it started hurting.”
I don’t know about you, but any time a doctor says, ‘Hmmmm,’ it’s never a good thing. I feel like either they don’t have a clue what’s wrong OR they think I’m just crazy. Or perhaps both.
I walked out learning that in addition to the bursitis, I also likely have a muscle sprain and tendon/ligament strain. More ‘rest, elevate, ice, ibuprofen, repeat’ was in my future. I did get to go home with this lovely contraption though. In all honesty, despite its horrid fashion sense, it does help my ankle feel better.
EVEN THOUGH IT LOOKS LIKE I HAVE GIANT MAXI PADS ADHERED TO EACH SIDE OF MY ANKLE. Whatever. It was a lovely accessory to the dress I wore to a wedding this weekend. The white on the brace really makes the yellow in my dress stand out, don’t ya think?
Here’s the thing. I truly am disappointed I cannot run. A year ago, I’d have been celebrating the doctor’s advice to NOT RUN. But I’ve really come to welcome the idea of running and going to the gym and hitting shit. It’s therapy. It’s my church. It’s where I find myself. Seriously. And…I can do it, even though I never thought I could. It’s taught me to believe in myself, to trust myself, to have FAITH in myself.
I may not be pretty when I run. I sweat a lot. I think I might grunt (but I have my music so loud I don’t notice), and I’m slow.
But that doesn’t matter. What matters is I’M DOING IT. I’m trying. And I’m succeeding. The ankle is a set back, but it’s a temporary one. I will run again. And I will be even more grateful and appreciative when I do.
This girl used to dread running. But also loved it. I loved the accomplishment of completing a route. I never thought I would say this but I’m so very sad I can’t run anymore. I’m not sure I will ever run again and it makes me so very sad. It’s funny how till we lose the ability to do something how we really appreciate it.
Rest. Ice. Make sure you have properly fitted shoes and then run like the wind sister!!
Oh no, well get lots of foot rest and when all is better, start short and start running again. I totally get it being therapy.
I got my boot off today! Yay! Still no running for a month, but I’m getting closer! WOOP!