The world is hurting today. And so, I just don’t think I can write about anything else, when there is so much pain, hurt, frustration, anger, heartbreak, worry, and concern on our faces and in our hearts. I’m not going to carry on and on, but simply say this…
This post is not about sides or right and wrong. It is about love and kindness. Listening and praying.
Because when we’re in this waist deep, dripping in brokeness and pain, wading through the agony of divisiveness, where else do we start? There is strife in this world and a chasm dividing us more than we’ve seen in many years. And so I pray. It is time to get on our knees and pray. And yet, I don’t believe that is enough. We must also show up, ready to listen – really listen. Ready to feel – really feel. Be intentional in our display of compassion and vulnerability.
We must pause before writing, breathe before speaking, Look to the people on each side of us and hold their hands. Can you imagine, if we all did this? Whether we knew them or not, put another human being’s hand in your own, looked them in the eye and said, ‘You matter. I hear you.’ What greater gift could we give humanity?
We must go out into the world and put as much kindness and love into it as we can.
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
– Mother Teresa
Great post and so true, it is not about sides or who is right or wrong. We’ve had protesting here in LA too and it’s sad to some extent.