Here we go…day 28 of National Blog Post Month (NaBloPoMo). Are we there yet?
It’s kind of what it feels like. Writing is hard work. Period. But writing publish worthy work EVERY DAY, even harder. But this isn’t news, you’ve heard me whine about this already in one of my other 27 posts this month. And really, it’s debatable whether all of my previous posts this month have been ‘publish worthy’. But whatever. At least I’ve kept up every day, but I am slowing down.
I created the first Five Frivolous Friday Fun Facts (FFFFF) post because I was looking for a way to create a partially interesting post that wouldn’t require a lot of emotion, because TIME. When doing NaBloPoMo, it is hard to write emotional, deep posts every day. Those types of posts take not only a lot of time, but also demand a lot of emotion. And you know what, I just don’t always feel up to the task of digging deep into the emotional well. So, listing some fun facts is a way around that. I don’t know, maybe this should become a ‘thing’, every Friday? In any case, let me get started on this week’s FFFFF, because it’s 11pm and I only got like 119 minutes of sleep last night. So again, are we there yet?
- The S.O. (significant other) – about an hour ago, while I was sitting on the couch staring at a blinking cursor and getting distracted by both email and social media, I commented I had to yet write something for today and didn’t know what I should write about. A few minutes later, he went up to bed and sent me this response, “Why don’t you write about how freaking cool I am. Just don’t use my name or anything.” So here’s the thing, he is pretty cool, but don’t tell him that or it will go to his head. Quickly. He’s also extremely private, which is why I honored his request to not post his name. So I’ve officially renamed him S.O. And really, this works pretty awesome, because when he’s in trouble with me, I can just add a ‘B’ onto the end. And then? He becomes S.O.B. Clever. Right? And there you have it, Frivolous Fact 1. I know. You’re shaking with excitement to read the rest of this list.
- The Child – He has a name. You know it. But really, it’s more fun to call him ‘Child’. Which I may have done eleventy-nine times yesterday between both houses we visited on Thanksgiving. We are blessed to have so many family members we can visit and spend time with laughing and drinking wine. BUT. (oh wait – the kid, he didn’t drink the wine…just to clarify). Anyhoo…BUT the problem is this equation. ADHD kid + Food, Family, Fun and Lots of stimulation = extra squirrely, hyper, non listening, loud, obnoxious, but funny kid. I adore him. But I don’t adore when we get to these places of stress because he has trouble reigning it in. Which brings me back to my original point. CHILD. I don’t use the traditional mad parent salutation very often. You know the one that goes something like, Noah Douglas! Nope. Instead, he becomes devoid of uniqueness and originality and just becomes, “CHILD!”. Which, I’m sure, he’ll need to talk about at therapy when he’s older.
- The Accomplishments – So, day after Thanksgiving. I don’t go out much into the chaos anymore for shopping. I’m just too old and irritable for it all, really. Plus, I can buy most of what I need online, in my PJs, with coffee. So duh. I start a fire (flip a switch to turn it on), brew the coffee (okay, again, push a button on the Keurig), and open the laptop and shop away. And guess what? NO HEAVY BAGS to carry in the house. BUT…another but. But then I feel like I should be doing more around the house, since I’m not out and about. So I thought I’d start decorating. I got a lot done today! So proud of myself! I hung the wreath. On the front door. And then I was tired. So I stopped. Whew. I know…hold yourselves and the jealousy back on how much I got done.
- The Football Game – I’m a big sports girl. Not playing them, that requires a lot of effort, but WATCHING them. Because, couch. Anyhoo. I’m also a University of Minnesota Golden Gopher alumni. And tomorrow is a HUGE game in which we are playing the Wisconsin Badgers. So a couple of things, first, notice how we use the term ‘we’ when we discuss our favorite sports teams. Like we are actually invested in doing some of the work on the field? I guess it’s just because we are proud and consider ourselves part of the team? I don’t know. Second, WTH is up with our mascots? Not their twitter feud, although that has been HILARIOUS to watch this week. Haven’t heard? You can read about it HERE. I mean what is up with these super scary, intimidating team mascots like gophers and badgers? Who choses these super menacing creatures anyway? (You sense the sarcasm? Cuz it’s dripping…). Don’t they seem like weird choices? I may just have to research them. Some other time. Some other day. Because it’s now 11:24. And I’m super drowsy and frankly wanting to get this post over with. You can’t tell with my endless, nonsensical musings above, can you?
- Showing Up As Is – In the name of embracing imperfections and furthering my attempts at authentic writing, perhaps I’ll not proof read this entire post and leave in any typos, nonsensical paragraphs, and grammatical snafus – you know, for the effect. Yeah that. And the funny part about that is? Sometimes it’s hard to figure out intentional wrongs and mistakes in my writing. Because I like to write how I talk. Which is in incomplete sentences. And sometimes it’s with words like ‘anyhoo’ and ‘cuz’. And sometimes it doesn’t make sense. So in the name of authenticity (and because I’m freaking exhausted and it’s almost midnight), I’m signing off, without proof reading. CHEERS!