Y’all (see I’m practicing my Texas words)… I’m at the airport, where I’m delayed, headed to the IF:Gathering in Austin, Texas where I get to meet up with my longest friend in life and meet a whole bunch of new friends too! I’m soooooooo excited. Which might explain this punchy post.
Anyhoo…since I didn’t find out my flight was delayed until after arriving at the airport, I had time for lunch. And I skipped the bread. Like it sat there. Staring at me, from my plate. Bite after bite of my salad. And still. I did NOT eat it. I swear it was crying for me, asking to get IN MY BELLY. Because I have not had bread in two weeks. WHAT? Now I know for some, two weeks without bread is no big deal. But you guys. I LOVE BREAD. And so for me, this is an epic deal, a major accomplishment. So I think I shall reward myself with a cupcake – WAIT. No. No I won’t. Because I’m not eating those either. sniffle sniffle.
After lunch, I headed to the newsstand to buy my bottle of water. This is what I always do at the airport. However, I usually also buy a snack or two or five. Because what if, what IF I was to get stranded on the airplane? You’ve heard those horror stories, stuck on the tarmac for hours where everyone has to pee and all the people are hungry and crabby and whatever. So duh. Everyone knows that Peanut Butter M&Ms are the magical survivor treat that will get you through ANYTHING. So anyway, I went into the newsstand…and wait for it…I only bought water. For REALZ. No snacks. Because I decided that God would be a better savior…but I still miss my Peanut Butter M&Ms.
But I still brought some of my own. See? *takes bow* Okay…okay. For those of you all, ‘shut up with your healthy eating, while I eat my chips and like it because you only live once’. I get it. Because that IS me. I didn’t eat terribly, but I ate fast food and bread and chips and candy and donuts and cupcakes and ALL sugars and salts. Because I LOVE MY FOOD. And making these smarter choices, is OH MY GOSH SO HARD.
Especially when you travel. Or just especially when you’re a writer. From home. Who can raid the cupboard at any given time during the day.
My point is this. It IS hard. It IS a sacrifice. But I’m trying to do it anyway. I’m trying to be kinder to my body. I’m going to the gym three times a week (I know, I know…EYE ROLL…it’s okay, I did that too), and I used to think, well I went to the gym three times, so what’s this one, or two, or three Reese’s Peanut Butter cups?
Then I signed up for a weight lifting competition. WHAAAAAT? Yes. Yes I did. And so now, I have further motivation, besides getting in a swim suit, or you know…getting my heart healthy. For some reason, I thought it might be fun to stand up in front of a crowd, wearing ALL spandex, and do some dead lifts and bench presses. Because why not? Listen, I’m 42…closing in on 43 in six months, and I’m trying to start living this ONE life God has given me.
And so…as I head to the IF:Gathering this weekend, ready to embrace my blessings and live this life as He wants me to…I’m learning to also embrace new things. A weekend of Fatih with a whole bunch of amazing women I don’t know? That’s new to me. A weightlifting competition? That’s new to me. Not eating bread, or peanut butter M&Ms, or donuts, or chips or cupcakes or all the other yummys. ALL NEW TO ME.
I’m not even sure what the point of this post is. I’m just a punchy, happy, blessed girl…filled with energy and excitement to have my heart and soul cracked open this weekend. But I’m also a girl who wants to tell you, that you can do it. Whatever it is that seems hardest. YOU CAN DO IT. Whatever it is that scares you. YOU CAN DO IT. Whatever it is that seems overwhelming and never possible?
Because you guys. These things I’m doing I mentioned above? I would’ve never told you five years ago, let alone six months ago, that I’d be doing any of it. It’s not super, amazing, earth shattering stuff. But it’s my own battles and challenges, in my own little corner of the world, and I am telling myself…
Lauri Flaquer says
What IF we did all the things that scared us, thrilled us and pushed us out of our comfort zone? Wouldn’t the world be an amazing place?
Thanks for the post. Have a great trip and enjoy your time away.