Sometimes it takes others believing in you, before you do.
With the right support and people behind you, you can take that first wobbly step. Even if you’re afraid. Because you have trust in them. You believe they’ll be there for you, every step along the way. You know you can lean on them in doubt and rely on them to pick you back up, should you fall.
These are the kinds of people who don’t believe in failure. They only believe in you trying. Because in trying, there is no failure.
You guys, I found those people. Look at them! Aren’t they beautiful? They are my safety net. My cheerleaders. Trainers. And friends. They have big muscles, but even bigger hearts. Teamwork. It’s what they’re about.
Here’s the thing you guys. Ten years ago…heck, just a few years ago, I would’ve been worried about having hands with callouses. Now? They’re like a badge of honor, a symbol of hard work. These hands do hard things, things I never dreamed they would.
A few years ago, I never thought I’d be lifting heavy weights and trying for more. I never would have thought I’d be lifting weights in a competition, let alone competing at Worlds in Las Vegas this November. A few years ago, I never thought I’d be able to claim a state record, at age 42.
A few years ago, I would’ve said, “Oh I could never do that”. And, “What would people think of me if I tried…and failed?”
I was born a people pleaser. It’s always been easier to love others before I loved myself.
But you guys, this is the beauty of embracing and truly LIVING your life. Embracing the fear. Recognizing you have one chance at this life, so why spend so much time worrying about failing or other people’s thoughts? It’s not easy to dismiss these fears. It’s taken me 42 years to do so and I’m still working on it. But it’s progress.
Here’s the thing I just discovered, I’m not a quitter.
Perhaps people around me knew this already. But I didn’t. Strength. And courage. And living fearlessly over 40. This is my goal. And this team has helped me get here. I’m learning to be brave. It’s just taken me a few years longer than I would’ve liked. But I’m not dwelling on that. Why should I? I’ve got more weights to lift and a mountain to climb!
Because, this girl can. And so can you.
I am clapping for you now! Wow. This I so needed to hear today. I too just reached age 40 and I am learning to be BREAVE finally in my life. I just wrote a post call I swam on the deep end if you want to see it. Thank you for posting for your story. I will be following your blog more closely now… you encouraged me so much today. Thank you!!! And YOU GO girl! 🙂
Your blessed and abundance
Is there! So happy you found a group of strength and vision!