Bless it. The curse and the blessing of being an overachiever has overcome me. I have signed up for both NaNoWriMo AND NaBLoPoMo because I don’t want end up with FOMO.
NaNoWriMo = National Novel Writing Month
NaBloPoMo = National Blog Post Month
FOMO = Fear of Missing Out
Doing one of these things is hard enough, but both? Perhaps it’s a case of ‘biting off more than I can chew’. But then, I tend to set high goals for things that I’m passionate about, and writing is one of those things.
During the month of November, I will be heads down, fingers thumping on the laptop, writing both a book and publishing on my blog. Every. Single. Day. Thirty days and an average of of thirty thousand words for each. At least that’s the goal anyway. I don’t like quitting. And I don’t like cheating. I am stubborn and focused on a goal when I set it. But with all that said, life happens. So I’m trying to keep a little grace in my back pocket in the event I miss a day.
The beauty of NaNoWriMo is your writing doesn’t have to be complete and polished product. It doesn’t have to be edited. The goal is to write pages of your book, every day, for the month of November. The challenging part of NaBloPoMo is the writing you’re doing must also be edited and finished content. The goal here is to not only write, but also publish the content on your blog every day. This is where my perfectionism can interfere. But I’m working hard on setting that aside. Because this goal is more about the journey than the destination.
Have you ever set a goal to do something every day, for thirty straight days?
It is hard stuff…even if you’re committing to doing something you love.
What is something you’ve been wanting to do more of? What is something you’ve wanted to commit to, but have been afraid to do so? Will you join me in committing to something for thirty days? Can’t think of something? Here are 30 ideas you could commit to doing for the 30 days of November. Pick one and GO! Do it everyday for the month of November and see if a new habit forms.
- Write in your journal
- Read the Bible
- Random Acts of Kindness
- Lift weights
- Eat Clean
- Pray
- Meditate
- Call a friend
- Send a letter
- Share what you’re thankful for on social media
- NaNoWriMo
- NaBloPoMo
- Learn a new language
- Read
- Tell someone you love them
- Run
- Make homemade meals
- Take a photo
- Refrain from complaining
- Do something that scares you
- Forgive someone (including yourself)
- Spend 30 minutes outside
- Listen to music while doing nothing else
- Listen to a podcast
- Watch a documentary
- Ask someone how they are and listen intently to their answer
- Read a different magazine, every day
- Compliment a stranger
- Eat an entire meal without looking at your phone
- Play a board game
Are you ready? Focused? Have a little grace tucked in your back pocket?
Share the graphic below with your friends and get them all into the fun!
Together, we can do this. Ready…set…GO!
I’m with ya! Good luck!
Back at you sister!