Our pain? It isn’t unique. So all of us still standing with our feet firmly planted at the intersection of ‘Woe is me’ and ‘Victim’, are missing out on the beauty and gift of it all.
Our pain, once we have a bit of distance from it, can be an incredible jump start to a life well lived. Pain provides perspective. Pain gives life. Pain provides opportunity for change. Pain is also heart breaking, challenging, frustrating, and debilitating. We should not ignore or brush over our feelings. What we do with pain, it matters.
What would happen if we took each season of our life which carried anguish and pain, and redefined those experiences as ones to teach us compassion, kindness and love?
What if redefining those painful episodes and seasons helped us redefine our own lives into ones of higher purpose and ones that great stories are made of?
Your pain. Your life. Your story.
What will you make of it?