New year, new you! That’s what ‘they’ say anyway. As we close out the last day of 2015 and enter into a new year, 2016, many people are focused on resolutions, the new year and finding a new self. Instead, I’m focusing on Becoming. Creating. Being.
Becoming, creating and being more of me.
There’s a line, isn’t there? On one side of the line, we may spend the end of our year focusing on all the things we don’t like and thus want to change about ourselves. On the other side, we stand looking at ourselves in the mirror with love, hope and confidence. On this side, we choose to become more of who we already are. We choose gratitude for where we have been and where we are at. Because it is those times and experiences that have brought us to this day. To this moment we stand here, ready to enter another new year. They have shaped us, formed us, molded us into our already beautiful selves.
On this side of the line, we ask for courage to become more of who has been buried deep. Buried under stress, family, friends, need for approval. Buried under comparison, envy and false idols.
On this side of the line, we look in the mirror and we seek to see our heart and all it has loved and lost. We seek to see our mind, and all the it swirls around. We seek to see our soul, and all the connections it has made.
And we know.
We are glorious, already. We are magical, already. We are smart, courageous and strong, already. We are beautiful, already.
Just as we are.
And so what are we searching for?
We are searching for who we already are, but we forget to see.
We are searching for the self love that often evades us under layers of expectation and fear of failure.
This New Year’s, look at yourself in the mirror, holding or remembering a picture of yourself as a young child. Who do you see? What traits do you admire about that young child that you may have lost along the way?
Tell her what you see. Tell her who you see. And remind her she is already there. She just needs uncovering.
This new year, I’m giving myself the gift of more of me. More of who I already am. More of who I am designed to be. Will you join me?
What could be better than starting a new year with acceptance and self love?
Let me tell you about little Heather…. God made her Beautiful, filled with sparkles and at a very young age she respected life and gave Love freely!
God made her a mother’s best Gift ! Thank you for your reflections Heather and as your Son says being you is being BEAUTIFUL! Mom