As steady as the wind blows this morning, change is coming. With its fury, it isn’t backing down. With our resistance, it just seems to push harder. Perhaps that’s when we’re supposed to let go. And ride it for the adventure it is. Let it flow right through us, leaving its imprint as it parts.
However, I think most of us tend to stand in defiance or opposition to it. Feet firmly planted. Our body stiff, every muscle engaged, our mind tense. We are braced and ready to fight. Because we did not choose this. We were not prepared for this. This is not what we wanted.
And yet it comes anyway. Perhaps even stronger when it knows we oppose it.
We have two choices, both of which will change us, and that is what we’re missing in it all. When change comes for us, it’s coming whether we are ready or not. Funny thing is, no matter how much we protest, it will leave its mark anyway. Here we stand, ready to resist change by just trying to protect ourselves. A bit like a fighter in defensive stance. One foot in front of the other, knees slightly bent, head down, gloves up and in front of our face. It throws its punches. And we just stand there, a bit in disbelief. And the punches land. Shoulders. Head. Rib cage. One after the other after the other. Until we are knocked down. Battered and bruised.
It is here we can choose: Stay down. Or get back up.
The change is coming either way. It is a formidable opponent. We can stand in defense against it. Or we can fight with it. Our choice.
We get back up.
And instead of looking at change as an opponent that must be beaten, we look at it as a sparring partner or a trainer. Both of which make us stronger. We train with it. Not against it. We still take our stance, one foot in front of the other, knees slightly bent, head down, gloves up. But this time, instead of letting the fists of change land without reaction, we participate. We throw back. Not against, but with.
We may still bleed a little bit through the process. Come out on the other side bruised and in pain. But we will also come out stronger. More aware of who we are and what we are capable of. We will know, no matter how tough the next storm is, change may just be the best sparring partner and coach there is.
And so we will step into the ring and be changed.
Very inspiring post, Heather. Really hits home for me right now.
Thank you Alicia! Me too…I tend to write exactly what I need to hear. 🙂
Let’s get some hot pink boxing gloves and get ready to fight! Let’s look at the change being a good thing… It sucks now but one day it will all make sense..
God and your Tribe got you back sister!
Thank you sister. xo
Getting up is hope and thank you for sharing! Heather
Hi Heather, You don’t know me but I feel like I know you! I worked with your mom at Coles for years. You should know that God has given you a gift that is powerful….your words can convict and comfort minds and hearts! May God continue to walk with you, strengthen you in this journey called life and give you PEACE and JOY in spite of the rocky road!
Thank you so much for the kind and gracious words Annette. They mean so much! Encouragement is everything for a writer. It is fuel that keeps us going. Blessings…