This kid. Our journey. Perhaps you’re tired of hearing about it. But I feel it is so important to share more than just the struggles.
We’re pretty tired around here, from a couple of days of waking at 5:30am for the kid’s swim meet. But we’re also filled with joy. In the past, these swim meets have garnered so much stress and anxiety for him. He loves swimming, but sometimes the meets and pressure are just too much. However, as he’s competed more this year, that stress and anxiety has waned a bit. Now, the anxiety hits only when he’s entered in new and longer distance events, like the 500 Freestyle, which he did for the first time this weekend. Just getting in the pool and attempting such a distance is an accomplishment in and of itself. And one that build his confidence and helps him realize he can do it.
This growth and maturity in my little guy has been so amazing to watch. He’s learning so many lessons along the way…like believing in himself, trusting he can make it through to the other side, and learning that though commitment and faith, he will find his way to joy.
And that, he has done.
Do you see it? The pure joy in his face? The sparkle in his eyes? I do. And I relish every. single. moment it is there.
Mom says
My heart sparkles just to be in the moment with him!