The Shame Wagon. What in the world am I talking about? Shame. And a wagon. By now, if you’ve read any of my recent posts, you know I’m on this self reflection, digging deep, looking at myself in the mirror place in my life. And I’m talking that special mirror, the one that shows you […]
Sabotaging Self Reflection
So here’s the thing, I love getting into my head and heart to evaluate things. To examine how I operate and how I can improve. I like taking occasional ‘gut checks’ to see if I’m living my life with intent…or just running the inevitable hamster wheel, over and over again. I just dig this self […]
Hey You…Gorgeous Lady. I Feel You.
Author note: Six weeks ago, I wrote a post that resonated with many of you. Today’s post is part two. If you haven’t read ‘Part One‘, or if you forgot what it was about, I suggest you do that first and then come back to this. Why? Well, because it will make more sense. Duh. […]
Maybe I’m the Crazy One
Maybe I have this all wrong? Good God, what if I do have this all wrong?! Maybe I’m the crazy one! My son might be the one on the meds, but perhaps it is me that needs them (Before I get a whole bunch of comments about disparaging my son by inferring he is crazy from […]
Share the Happy, Spread the Love!
I’m working on some posts my friends…they’re taking longer than expected. Sometimes this writing thing is harder than it looks. Oh…who am I kidding…it is ALWAYS harder than it looks! Did you know that most of these posts you’ve read take me at least three hours to write? And you probably read it in what…one […]
Adventures (or Mishaps) in Meditation
The last two weeks have been particularly challenging for me to keep my mind in a good, calm and restful state. If you’ve been following along my little journey through life, you know I’ve had a wee bit of stress. But then, haven’t we all? Couldn’t we all benefit from a little more centering of […]
Time for the Funny
Time for the Funny. With a capital F. Usually a capital F in my book is for something else. But today? Today it is for Funny. F-U-N-N-Y!!! So here’s the thing. As you may have guessed from my posts, my life has some stress in it. And I’m tired of it. And I’m tired of […]
Commit to Compassion
My life’s not perfect. Whaaaat? Yes. It’s true. My life is filled with imperfection, pain, unhappiness. But it’s also filled with blessings, laughter and joy. My life is rich. Balanced on both sides of the coin – the good and the bad. Some days are harder than others. Some days it feels like every step […]
Hey You…Gorgeous Lady. I See You.
Hey You. Gorgeous Lady with the perfectly coiffed hair, in the beautifully cut taupe suit, tailored white shirt and gorgeous nude heels. I see you. Standing there outside your fancy car talking on your cell phone, motioning some orders to your blonde haired, uniform clad little girls, sitting in the back seat of your car. […]
Together We Will Survive
What would you do if your child’s doctor told you that he has a condition that is completely treatable, but is fatal in 15-20% of all cases? That this condition will be with him his whole life. He won’t grow out of it. But with the proper treatment plan, he can live a relatively ‘normal’ […]