Yesterday, it was a leap of faith. Today? A toad. Yes, a toad. As I’ve stated before, Noah often inspires me. And, if I’m paying attention – he teaches me too. There is much we can learn from our children. Now…back to this toad. This afternoon, I arrive at Noah’s school to pick him up […]
Leap of Faith (#5)
I must be getting sentimental in my ‘old age’. My recent posts have been rather serious and reflective. No worries, there will be room for funny later. As I mentioned early on in this series, finding something to write about every day is hard. I don’t plan it out days in advance, I just sit […]
Olympic Inspiration (#6)
That’s it. London 2o12 has commenced. What a great couple weeks it was, watching so many dedicated and determined athletes competing in world games. Showing us what drive, determination and talent can become. Even more inspiring was seeing the impact women made on the games this year. Did you know that: For the first time […]
Rooms Full of Light (#7)
Sometimes, when we least expect it, when we’re not looking for it, we are surprised by something. Often, however…we are so busy with our routines that we miss these little things that matter. It could be a moment, it could be a smile, it could be a small does of inspiration. The other day, I […]
Life Gets Hard…Look Up (#8)
Sometimes, life gets hard. Sometimes, life gets stressful. Sometimes…we wonder how we’re going to make it through another day. And sometimes, we find it really hard to feel blessed and grateful for what we have. And it is on these days, when it feels so hard, and so challenging to find good in the day […]
The Gig is Up (#9)
Alright. The gig is up. I’m not really the four time Olympian, 2012 gold medal wearing, water polo player, Heather Petri. Nope. Hard to believe, I know. But that’s not me. She exists. She’s just a different Heather Petri. And we lead very different lives. Can you see me as a water polo player? I’m […]
Loving Through Silence and Disconnect (#10)
So here’s the deal. I’m just outright exhausted and have very little energy and strength remaining, so tonight…I’m recycling. I’m reposting an entry that was published on my previous blog back in March. Perhaps some call it cheating. Me? I just call it sharing. Thanks for understanding. ***************************************************************** If you are mother, you know pain. […]
Cupcakes (#11)
I love cupcakes. Who doesn’t? Seriously. If you’ve been reading my blog since the beginning, you know I’m planning a party for myself for my 40th. And so you know what that means…more cupcakes! Today I went to the new cupcake shop in town called Nadia Cakes. They’ve only been open a few weeks and […]
AARP and Me (#12)
True Story. I was sitting here, looking at the blank screen on my computer, trying to decide what to write for today’s blog post. While watching the cursor blink, I got distracted and decided to check my email and found this: ____________________________________________________ From: AARP Membership Special <> Subject: Free “Insulated Travel Bag” for Joining or […]
When I Grow Up… (#13)
What do you want to do when you grow up? Or are you already there? Me? I’m working on it. Figuring it out. There’s something about turning forty that causes one to take a temperature reading of their life and evaluate all parts of it. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was walking […]