Another day in NYC, another day at BlogHer. The vast majority of the day was spent indoors in meetings, workshops and in the Expo hall connecting with bloggers. These conferences are fun and engaging, but totally and completely exhausting. To help the bloggers have some fun and enjoy a night out, BlogHer has several ‘official’ […]
Hilarity Ensues… (#16)
Alright, here’s the dealio folks. For the last 4 days, I’ve had a cumulative 18 hours of sleep. I’m running on fumes here. So once again, I’m trying to make a post short and sweet, all the while hoping it still has some entertainment value. I’m in New York City (as you may know from […]
Food, Fashion and a Fuddy Duddy (#17)
Tomorrow morning – at way too early of an hour, I head to one of my favorite cities, New York. It is a favorite for many of the reasons you might suspect. Great food and great fashion. And the Fuddy Duddy in the title? Well, that’s me. The first time I went to NYC was […]
Blah Blah Blah (#18)
Okay so, it is already midnight. Well to be exact, it is 12:01am and I am just starting my blog now. At some point I have to get some sleep. So I am going to keep this short and sweet, okay? And anyways, my contacts are drying out on my eyeballs…so if you find any […]
Bingo Phobia (#19)
Really? Really. I have a bit of Bingo phobia. It’s true. Weird, but true. Why? Well it goes like this… Once upon a time I went on a cruise. This was a while ago – like around ten years ago. I was on a ship that had a more, shall we say, ‘mature’ audience. In […]
Writer’s Block…Again (#20)
So. 40 before 40. This shit is hard. Don’t judge my lack of creativity. Have you ever written a blog post, let alone 40 of them, 40 days in a row? I never, ever thought I could ever run out of anything to say. I mean seriously. Those that know me know how unusual this […]
40 things (#21)
I do not religiously make lists. I probably should, but for some reason, I seem to instead let the items on a so called list, float randomly in my head. This isn’t very useful because inevitably I forget something…or many things. So with 40 around the corner, I decided to do one of those lists […]
Find Your Greatness…and Raise It (#22)
Unless perhaps you live under a giant rock the size of Mars or are actually on Mars – you know tonight was the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. I’ve been watching the Olympics since the days of Herb Brooks and the ultimate hockey team of all time. From the Opening Ceremonies to the breaking of […]
My Younger Self (#23)
Several years ago, I read a great book by Ellyn Spragins titled, What I Know Now – Letters to my Younger Self. It highlights forty one famous women who wrote letters to their younger selves as they reflected on significant moments in their lives. So, in case you weren’t sure, I’m not famous but I […]
That Mom (#24)
Here’s the thing, I know I’m not a perfect Mom. I know I do things that other mothers of higher moral aptitude would cringe at. And that’s okay. Because I own my averageness. I claim my marginality. And I happily accept the title, That Mom. Yes. I am that mom. The one that bribed her […]